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We would love to introduce you to the world of equestrian riding
We teach English style riding
What does that mean? There are two types of riding style English and Western
English is used for jumping/dressage while Western is used for rodeo/working cattle
The western saddle is larger and heavier than the English saddle. It's designed to spread the weight of the rider over a larger area of the horses back, making it more comfortable for long days out chasing cows. The English saddle is smaller and lighter and designed to give the rider a closer contact with the horse's back. In english riding, the rider takes a direct contact with the horse's mouth via the reins and use the reins as part of the "aids" (along with the seat and the leg) for speed and direction. Most western riding horses are ridden on little or no contact and the rider uses his seat, his weight and neck-reining to give aids to the horse.
      Western             English
How our lessons work
We set lessons on a once a week, multiple times a week or once every other week schedule. This is your scheduled time indefinitely until you tell us otherwise. We offer 30, 45 and 60 min time spots. The lesson consists of all time spent with the instructor.  You will learn how to get the horse ready, how to ride and what to do with the horse when you are done. Once you know how to get the horse ready you are welcome to get the horse ready prior to the scheduled time in order to have more lesson time in the saddle. We gear the lessons toward your goals with riding from just wanting to learn to ride to be able to be competent to do the basics up to being able to compete.
What you will need
You will need to have boots and a helmet.  We recommend you wear stretchy pants like leggings/yoga pants (NOT jeans) until you get actual riding pants (breeches or leggings). We recommend paddock boots and a schooling riding helmet to start.  Horse Crazy in Draper is a great place to look.  They have new stuff downstairs and consignment stuff upstairs. If you do not have these a boot with a heal and little to no tread and a bike helmet with work to begin with.   

Contact Us:


Ammie Lords

801 995 8012



6245 W 10400 N

Highland, Ut 84003

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